The incubator also supports initial research initiatives and grants modest scholarships to research students. All this in order to assimilate the insights emerging from the arena of academic research in combination with clergy and in order to formulate social models in multi-religious and multicultural environments in Israel and in general. Collaborations between the academy and religious communities and between religious communities will result in a general connection between a variety of cultural, technological, business and social sectors. At the same time, such connections will contribute to the creation of a reality that encourages thinking and creative solutions for various topics and issues that shape society and life in multi-religious and multicultural environments in Israel and even around the world.
About the greenhouse
The Haifa Incubator for the Study of Religions is an initiative that aims to promote the study of religions through interdisciplinary collaborations and creating a platform for interreligious dialogue among the various religious communities in the city of Haifa and its surroundings.
Haifa Incubator for the Study of Religions
The premise underlying the activity of the incubator is that religions can be a bridge for a constructive discourse, crossing sectors and political boundaries. In other words: where politicians are arrested, clerics can continue to work for social reform.
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Conferences and seminars
18 July 2024
An interview with Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa conducted by the Head of the Haifa Laboratory for Religious Studies, Prof. Uriel Simonsohn Prof. Si...
01 August 2024
One of the conspicuous phenomena in the realm of “violent extremism”—acts of violence motivated by religious, political, or ideological reasons—that d...
20 August 2024
Religion does not contradict progressive views. Islamic tendencies support progressive movements, mainly because the latter did not invent the wheel. ...
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